GREEN OVER-DOSE "Attack Of The Green Thing" 1-Welcome To Heck, 2-Attack Of The Green Thing, 3-I Wanna Be Like O.J. Simpson, 4-Beat Your Wife, 5-Money, Power, Titties, 6-I Got Fucked At The Drive Through, 7-Hurling Vomit, 8-We Don't Like The White Man, 9-Money, Power, Titties(reprise), 10-I'm Glad I'm Not A Redneck, 11-That Thing On Your Butt, 12-My Dick, 13-I Love Your Morning Breath, 14-I Can't Drive 95, 15-French Fries, 16-Flies, 17-Antiprocrastination Song, 18-Big Edna, 19-Isn't This A Wonderful World, 20-Truck Bomb, 21-Over The Wall. 22-Fat Assed Women(bonus hidden song)